Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Compulsive Gambling a Lifetime Long Problem Essay

Compulsive Gambling a Lifetime Long Problem - Essay Example While gambling can be a harmless activity for many people, for others it can be a dangerous activity that has the potential to destroy their lives. Compulsive gambling can lead to many problems for the participants and their families, often leading to high levels of stress, the loss of finances and criminal activity. For pathological gamblers, the relaxing activity of gambling has progressed into a more serious and dangerous pastime. People in this position generally lack the ability to control their gambling habits. They are not able to stop gambling, even if they do not have the finances to support their bets. This is the most severe form of gambling and is considered to be a mental disorder. Current estimates place pathological gambling as being five percent of the gambling population .The terms compulsive and problem gambling are also used, often interchangeably, although sometimes problem gambling is also used to refer to other gambling problems that do not fall under the defini tion of pathological .Gambling is traditionally considered an addition, even though it does not have any of the obvious physical signs that most addictions share. Because of this, it is easier for people to hide their addiction, and this makes intervention difficult . There are many different causes of gambling and research has yet to fully determine how these interact with one another. One study examined three characteristics of individuals that could potentially have an effect on likelihood of gambling, these were personality, perceived luck and attitude towards gambling. The authors found that personality traits had a significant influence on the development of problem gambling. These traits included emotional stability, reasoning, openness to change and social boldness although there were many others . Research suggests that the more gambling activities that a person is involved in, such as slots, card gambling and betting on racetracks, the greater change they have of being inv olved in problem gambling . Research has shown a significant link between gambling and crime. Many problem gamblers lose large amounts of money in their bets, and may turn to crime to try and pay their debts, to maintain the appearance of normality or to continue gambling. However, the direction of this interaction is not clear. Gamblers may be more likely to become criminals, or being criminals may make one more likely to gamble . Law has moved away from banning gambling and towards finding methods of regulating it. This includes giving local authorities the ability to act if a location breaches gambling laws. Authorities have the ability to inspect gambling locations, to review licenses and to enforce conditions . This means that the number of locations that gambling can occur is limited, and prevents a boom of gambling and associated gambling problems. This is particularly important, as research has shown that many aspects of gambling venues themselves are able to facilitate gamb ling and increase the frequency at which it occurs. A study on gambling accessibility showed that two factors were significant drivers of people choosing a particular location to gamble. The first of these was social accessibility, which related to how socially enjoyable the gambling location was. This included the atmosphere as well as the entertainment options that were present at the venue. The second aspect was

Monday, October 28, 2019

Social Media And Its Effects On Society Media Essay

Social Media And Its Effects On Society Media Essay When talking about Social Media most people will probably just frown at you, having absolutely no idea what youre talking about. A remarkable reaction considering that more than a half of these people probably use Social Media themselves. Just simply clicking on a video on Youtube for instance, already makes you part of the huge community that Social media has and you dont even need to be registered! By watching a video, it will get more views which will result in a higher view-rate and therefore, the video will gain more popularity and catch the eyes of more viewers. Having that said I dare bet that every Internet-user is or has been part of the Social Media community. Yes, even you. Because, admit it, have you ever watched a video on YouTube? à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ So I thought. Social Media is however more than just YouTube. The experience goes much further than simply watching movies on the internet and that is exactly what captivates me. How can one kind of Media become so huge in such a short time? How is it possible that both companies and private-individuals use the same medium on different ways? And, more importantly, why is it that Social Media is still expanding instead of fading away like most of the hypes we know? Let it be clear; Social Media is one big, important and yet complicated format which we know little about. Time to dig a little deeper! First Ill start with discussing the definition of Social Media thoroughly. Only when knowing EXACTLY what it is, well be able to understand what makes it so interesting and vital. Secondly, Ill be digging a bit in the history of Social Media. How did this new medium come to be? Did it just appear out of nowhere or did it take a while before it caught the eyes of the public? Third, Im going to investigate who use Social Media and why? Ill split this question in two sub-questions for you; Social Media used by private-individuals and Social Media used by businesses. Knowing what Social Media is, how it came to be and who use it and why, Ill be able to think of the influence Social Media has on our society. Is social media really that important, or do technophobias have nothing to fear? After concluding whether Social Media has a big or small influence on our society, Ill look whether I can confirm this conclusion by looking how much is invested in the world of Social Media. Finally, Ill be speculating about the future of Social Media. Will Social Media become vital for every company, or will it just fade away as hype? Welcome to the complicated yet most interesting world of Social Media. What is Social Media? 1.1 Social media as definition Social media is a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, which allows the creation and exchange of user-generated content. Kaplan and Michael Heanlin in Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of social media, business horizons (2010). In other words, social media is a new medium (it was, arguably, introduced in the second half of the 20th century), that allows people to globally interact through the media. It is a collective term for all the internet-applications that enable us to share and discuss information, not only in the form of text, but also through sound and video. But since social media is a collective term, you probably wont take my brief description for granted. You want to know the different forms that social media has and where they are to be found on the web. Take a seat. This may take a while. So, social media knows six different forms; communication, collaboration, multimedia, review and opinions, entertainment and brand monitoring. I will discuss each and every one of them. Communication is currently the biggest form of social media. Three very important aspects of communication are; blogs, micro blogs and social networks. Youve probably heard of them. Blogs are websites, or parts of websites, where people can write articles, columns, reviews, etc. Blogs are usually aimed at a specific subject. Basically, there are two types of blogs; commercial blogs and non-commercial blogs. Commercial blogs are mainly used by companies (doh) for a variety of reasons (for instance; promoting their product or getting to know the customer), but also by people who like to write, professionally, about certain subjects. Non-commercial blogs are mainly used by private-individuals, like you and me. These blogs usually define themselves as blogs written due to boredom. Usually, I said. A couple of known blogs are; WordPress, and Open-Diary. Micro blogs are basically the same as normal blogs only they are much smaller. Micro blogs contain fewer characters and arent always aimed at a specific subject. Micro blogs are an excellent way for companies to make small announcements. Just like normal blogs, there are two different kinds of users (businesses and private-individuals, remember?) using the micro blogs. Known micro blogs are Twitter, Tumblr and FML (Fuck My Life). Social networks is arguably the most important component of social media (thank you, Facebook!). A social network is a big networking site where people can communicate with each other and share information. In a social network you represent yourself using a profile picture and by writing down a biography. That way, it is easy to locate people with the same interests which can result in an online friendship. The problem that this feature however brings is that the accessibility of social networks can also be seen as an invitation for perverts. Social networks are an easy way for perverts to hide their true identity and gain the trust of good-willed girls. And for that very reason, I dont blame parents for worrying sick when their children are uploading new photos on Facebook or other social networks. Undoubtedly, social networks are something to be careful with. Luckily, social networks, just like any other form of media, mostly support the option to set your private status to friends only, or to restrict certain areas of your Facebook for unwanted visitors. Its a great way to make your photos pervert-free. Communication however doesnt only consist of these three aspects, but also contains location-based social networks, events, information aggregators and online advocacy and fundraising. Location-based social networks are social networks that aim at geography. People can indicate where they are, when they are there and why they are there, which will all be shown on a big map. That way you will be able to see where your friends are and you to notify them about your current location. The events section looks, in one way, very much like the location-based networks. It also relies on a map, only in this case the map indicates where and when events are held, together with more additional information such as who are performing, what kind of an event it is and the ticket fee. Its a great way to stay up-to-date about your favorite artists and to not miss any appealing shows. Social media is used by more than 50% of the American population, and for that very reason it should come to no surprise that there are lots of different sites with reference to social media and they are all very crowded. Amongst the common social media users there are celebrities, publishers and developers writing their thoughts down and making announcements. Social media is a huge center of information and it didnt take long till information aggregators were introduced to the market. Information aggregators are sites with big, huge dashboards that gather information from all social networks. The last part that communication knows is advocacy and fundraising. I believe AF is a rather peculiar element of communication, because its usually integrated in other social media (mostly social networks). The main goal of AF companies is to raise as much money as they can for charity. They do this by advertising on other sites and by striking up partnerships. Especially live broadcasting sites such as BlogTV and Stickam attract AF companies. Where communication specializes in a belonging community, collaboration is recognized for its involvement with other sites; sites that fall under the collaboration category usually gather information from other sources. The six aspects of collaboration are; wikis, social bookmarking, social news, social navigation, content management systems and document managing and editing tools. Wikis are a perfect example of sites gathering information from other sources. Take a look at the end of a Wikipedia page and you are high likely to see a list full or sources. For instance, when looking up social media the most famous wiki; Wikipedia, gives me this; Wikis are generally known for their reliability because they make use of the knowledge management system, meaning that every user can contribute to the site by creating and editing articles. That results in a huge database. Another social database that collaboration knows is social bookmarking. Social bookmarking collects links of all kinds of sites and then categorizes them. Users are able to rate (or as I like to call it; digg) and share the links. That way people can easily find good, reliable sites that fit their interests. Known social bookmark sites are; Stumbleupon, Delicious and Google Reader. Social News looks a bit like social bookmarking; it also works with a rating system. Unlike professional news sites however, people write their own news on social news sites. Readers have the ability to vote on articles; deciding what is important and what isnt. Social news sites are obviously a magnet for information aggregators. For them its like killing two birds with one stone; social news sites contain a lot of information and the community already picks their favorite articles. Known social news sites are Digg, Newvine and Reddit. Social navigation, content management systems and document managing and editing tools are the lesser known social media components of collaboration, which comes quite a bit to my surprise because social navigation and content management systems can actually come in quite handy. Social navigation, for instance, provides information about the public transport, and content management systems is a software-application that simplifies the complicated code-language of the internet for common users like you and me. In the case of social navigation, Im guessing that mobile phones and global positioning systems are preferred by todays customers because these are more frequently used in vehicles. I dont blame Document managing and editing tools for being little popular though. They are online (free) writing tools and also allow users to share their documents with the Interwebs, but why would anyone want to share their articles randomly with these tools on the internet? Most of the articles that are published on the internet are published not through document managing and editing tools but through own websites. The documents are usually written in Word. Multimedia is a term you have probably already heard of. It is generally favored by the youth. Multimedia can be divided in five aspects; photography and art sharing, video sharing, live casting, music and audio sharing and presentation sharing. Its very common for multimedia sites to be used for other kinds of social media. Think of it; multimedia sites are perfect databases to store your pictures and videos because they can easily be linked in your articles thanks to embedded codes. Though the names already give away where the aspects actually function for, I have decided to explain them anyhow. As you probably have already noticed, I like being as thorough as possible. Photography and art sharing are, as the name already says, sites where people can share pictures. They serve as a great way for people to save (and optionally; share) their photos and find other photos. Since (mainly) blogs dont have a lot of space, photography and art sharing sites are very popular places for bloggers to upload their pictures on. They wont be bothered with the limited space problem and wont risk the chance of having the original photo removed so that only a dead link will remain. Video sharing basically have the same principal as PAs only do they specialize in videos except for pictures. Especially Youtube is a very important component of the video sharing aspect. Video sharing is used by both private-individuals and businesses. Private-individuals use video sharing mainly as entertainment, but also as outlet or gateway to show their own talents. Businesses use video sharing for promotion by uploading videos about their brand (mostly funny commercials or trailers). Remarkable is that most live casting users are also pretty popular on video sharing sites such as Youtube. Many famous Youtubers (like Davedays, Shanedawson, Zushoo, Creepjeepers) are featured on Stickam and BlogTV (two of the biggest live casting sites). Apart from their scripted shows they sometimes like to just randomly entertain fans on liveshows. Live casting is also often used as live streaming device for important shows. If people cant attend certain events for any reason, they will be able to follow it live at home. Music and audio sharing is an aspect of collaboration that specializes in sounds. On these sites, users are able to customize their own playlists and check out other playlists. It is a popular concept for radio broadcasts because their audience are most likely music fans and appeal to this market. Presentation sharing is mainly used by companies. Sharing presentations is a great way to take information up in an interactive way. Especially for teachers, presentation sharing can come in handy. Its a great way to reach the modern generation of students and still educational. Despite the fact that most people write reviews and opinions on blogs, there are still a couple of sites fully dedicated to the reviews and opinions category. The RO category has but three aspects; product reviews, business reviews and community question answer. Lets start with the beginning; product reviews are sites where the community can give their opinion on certain products. Its a really nice way for people to know what product to buy and what not. Business reviews are practically the same as product reviews, only they dont contain the opinion about products, but about companies. Is the service any good? Are they reliable? Etc. The problem with business and product reviews however, is that questions HAVE to be business/product related meaning that if you have any other questions, you have nowhere to turn. Thats where the community question and answer comes in. Community QA sites are sites where people can ask whatever they want and the community will answer. Yahoo!Answers is a well-known QA site. As Ive already said, entertainment is very popular with todays generation. The entertainment category consists of; media and entertainment platforms, virtual worlds and game sharing. Media and entertainment platforms is probably the least popular form of social media from all kinds of social media we have, because they play mostly behind the scenes. They are used by older companies who arent yet integrated in the modern society and allow them to digitalize their products/marketing strategies. Virtual Worlds on the other hand are pretty popular and used by a large amount of youngster. Virtual Worlds are basically online games like World of Warcraft, the Sims Online and Second Life. Players are able to create an imaginative character and play in a fictional world, where they can meet other people. But hold on a minute, you might think. If online games are part of the virtual worlds, then why is there another subcategory named shared games? That is, because shared games support browser-based games instead of downloadable programs. Shared games are usually simple flash-games, made by the community, and all playable on one big site. Virtual games, on the other hand, are usually huge, downloadable, professional games and its creators will dedicate themselves towards one game. At last, we have arrived at the last category; brand monitoring. Brand monitoring knows only one form, which is social media measurement. Social media measurement is an indicator that provides information about the internet traffic. Companies use it in order to get a good insight in their costumers; where are they from, how old are they and what are their interests? Its a great way to get to know the customer I think. So, that was chapter 1.1; the definition of social media and honestly, I wonder whether you still know what content managing systems are without looking it back up. Its a whole lot of information, I admit, but necessary information all the same. All I have done now is given you a good idea of what social media is and what we count under social media.

Friday, October 25, 2019

European History - The Spread of Christianity :: European Europe History

The Spread of Christianity The spread of Christianity overtime replaced the old warrior religion changing the way of life, and at the giving it new meaning. With the coming of Christianity a hope for poets also came about. As the conversion of Ireland to Christianity took place a new era known as Ireland's Golden Age began to take over. Christian munks worked hard preserving literature of the ancient world and works of popular culture. Due to the rapid growth of Christianity the Anglo-Saxon's were given a common faith, a common system of morality and right conduct, linking England with Europe. Anglo-Saxon religion was based on ethics. It was the earthly values such as bravery, loyalty, generosity, and friendship that Anglo-Saxon life was based upon. The Anglo-Saxon religion derived from Germany and was very similar to Scandinavian mythology. They had gods for any and everything that all played important roles in everyday life. Symbols like the dragon and the swastika are also a part of the religion that can't be forgotten. In 432 Celtic Ireland was converted to Christianity by Patricius. Patricius, a Romanized Briton became a bishop and gradually started converting people to Christianity. It was when the rest of Europe sank into constant warfare confusion, and ignorance that Ireland experienced a Golden Age. In Ireland Christianity was said to have, "burned and gleamed through the darkness", in the words of Winston Churchill. If it hadn't been for the Irish missionaries that converted the Anglo-Saxon kings and the constant reemergence of Christianity in Britain, even king Alfred might have failed to unify the Anglo-Saxons . The Anglo-Saxons fought hard under Christianity and Alfred to protect their people, their culture, and their church from the Danes. Eventually Christianity took over and the old warrior religion was forgotten. In the Anglo-Saxon world poets could only hope that heroic deeds would be enshrined in the society's memory. Christianity on the other hand brought them new hope. Monasteries were for learning, and preserved Latin, Greek, and popular literature. Day and night the church had the munks copying manuscripts by hand completely silent. If it hadn't been for the coming of Christianity the literature of the ancient world and the literature of popular culture would be nonexistent.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

School Community Leadership

It is the role of every school leader to provide an environment for education and learning to happen inside the classroom. He/she must embrace the responsibility of guiding and imparting the proper amount of skills and programs necessary for growth and sustainability. Seeing this complex and difficult relationship, school community leaders must strive towards achieving the overall goals of educational institutions. In the end, school community leadership is the way a principal or head balances the challenges of the school and community to provide changes for the better by possessing the skills and traits to do so. Looking at the concept, school community leadership can be defined to be a process wherein the principal addresses the issues surrounding both school and the community. â€Å"In a nutshell, school community leadership concentrates on the things a principal should do to develop and nurture culture, climate and vision of the school that is supportive of all stakeholders and helps them succeed† (Wilmore, 2003, p. 12). Looking at the definition, it is first to implore on the community and how it affects the way decisions and programs are made. By doing this, readers can better comprehend the importance of such trait towards growth and sustenance The concept of community is an important definition to tackle when dealing with the idea of school community leadership. One important facet is that the community continues to shape and develop various school issues. Since schools are part and partial components of a community, leaders must create a striking balance towards partnership and harmonization of both experience and practice (Glanz, 2006). By fostering such relationship, educators can devise models and plans to synchronize the goals and objectives of both the community and school towards students. Another important concept to consider is the relevance of leadership towards educational development. It can be argued that there are various leadership styles that can be used and applied towards the achievement of the goal, however due to this; the concept becomes elusive in nature. This can be contended because though there have been numerous improvements in the literature surrounding leadership models, â€Å"contemporary theories of leadership represent authoritative opinion that is not supported by scholarly research† (Spry and Graham, 2006, p. ). Due to this, the challenge of educational leaders is to find the appropriate style suited for both the community and the learning environment of students. There are several important traits a school community leader must possess. These include (1) effective communication, (2) openness to change and improvements, and (3) participation. Communication is vital in the process of harmonization and practices because it enables process es to be effective and efficient. Without communication, there shall be disparities between what is being taught and practiced which could later spell troubles and difficulties. On the other hand, openness to developments is also another trait a leader must posses in this field. Realizing the constant diversity and continuing changes in the environment, educational leaders must be adaptive to these changes so as to foster continued sustenance and growth (Spry and Graham, 2006). By doing this, they can make the overall system dynamic and susceptible towards change. Lastly, participation is another vital process to consider as it provides avenues for improvement and change. This process of partaking with both the community and school can help put into practice the needs of both parties. To conclude, the challenge remains for educational leaders to promote school community leadership. By realizing the importance of such attribute to both students and society and by applying the necessary traits and skills, only then can the process of sustenance and growth can be achieved by both parties.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Pritchett, Lant (2006) Center For Global Development Essay

Introduction: When the wings are strong, even the birds fly! Birds also, as a rule migrate, flying thousands of miles to the area and the climate of their choice every year. Even before the Christian era, adventurous traders and devoted missionaries have been moving from one country to another for their purposes in view. Migration is an age-old happening. The industrial and internet revolutions, the modern materialistic civilization have commercially shrunk the world. ‘Atlas has shrugged!’ When basic conditions are created for the people to move from one country to another, irresistible demographic forces are bound to exert their pressure. To check these forces through anti-immigration ideas is like blocking the furiously advancing avalanche with the fence of straw. Or trying to touch the moon by kite-flying! Or controlling the rising flood waters by filling pitchers! Statistical studies are no doubt needed, but it is no use digging the well when the house is on fire. In times of war, your goal should be to win the war, no matter how you win. I mean to say, all the relative efforts should be to tackle the root cause of the problem. It is no ordinary chat on the subject of migration by Pritchett†¦. Pritchett’s ideas are far-sighted. The world leaders talk about globalization and â€Å"the world is one family† concept, but the so-called national interests are entrenched too strongly in them. They wish to remain dry under water. Efforts are constantly on the anvil to check labor mobility.   Political interests are the main consideration; welfare of the common man is nicely swept under the carpet, by arguments and counterarguments. The governments are resisting the liberal ideas, because the rich people of the country protest against creating favorable conditions for the labor to immigrate! Some forward thinking statesmen/ politicians have to take initiative to break he deadlock if they really wish to do something tangible for the welfare of the people to whom employment means their livelihood. Temporary work-permits and protection of migrants’ fundamental human rights are the important issues. Lant Pritchett is touching the live wire! Your book will be controversial, Mr. Pritchett, but do not bother. All great ideas have been controversial. Some centuries ago, people and intellectuals did believe that the Earth is flat and the sun does the rotations! The book is not a voluminous work by page-count, just 151 pages, but they are sufficient to stir the thinking process of the individuals concerned, the politicians and the policy-makers. He tenders provocative ideas, on the issues where provocation is required.   The book has 5 chapters, i) Four Irresistible Forces for Increased Labor Mobility, ii) The Fifth Irresistible Force: Ghosts & Zombies, iii) Immovable Ideas: Myths and Truths, iv) Accommodating Forces and Ideas to achieve development—Friendly Labor Mobility v) Conclusion: Let their People Come. To the fundamental question in Economics, what are the factors of production, the answer is, land, labor, capital and organization. Labor is the most important of them for capital without labor is dead! It is not that Lant is unaware of the political consequences of labor immigration. But he is an economist. He has soft-corner for the labor and it is not mere wishful thinking. He gives his favorable disposition towards the labor force and makes out a brilliant case for expanded immigration in rich countries. If you are thinking in terms of globalizing everything, why not labor, is the question posed by Lant. He has his own style of working on his projects. He is not concerned about the ideologies and methodologies. He will not stick to any special type of â€Å"ism†. He is a man without a label or a tag. He works with a pure heart and for the cause which he considers and concludes to be right. He is truly a global person with the global approach to his thinking. He doesn’t believe in half- hearted measures. He is the proverbial individual who believes—do not strike; if you strike, strike so hard that there is no need to strike again! He gives unassailable ideas and reasons in the very first chapter of the book: He says, â€Å"Four irresistible forces today cause observed increases in labor mobility—and each promises to become even more powerful in future. Those forces are wage gaps, demographics, â€Å"everything but labor† globalization, and the services future of labor demand in industrial countries. A fifth force—rapid and massive shifts in the desired populations of various countries†¦. Four preliminary observations are useful.†(Pritchett, 2006, p.13) Pritchett is on war with both left and right—and therefore, he invites controversy. His question to world leaders is why you stop at standard solutions, trade and aid. He stands solidly behind the guest-worker program. Why shouldn’t millions of the poorest of the world choose to work in richest economies? He is worried why people are so insensitive about this issue. He is willing to beat the national borders on this issue and paints the grim picture emerging on the curtain of the mind of an ordinary worker. â€Å"Gaps in per capita across countries are only suggestive of migration pressures, because the relevant question for a worker is the difference in wages that he or she would earn in two countries.† Pritchett, 2006, p.18) Pritchett’s critics say he thinks much ahead of his time; all great thinkers do think so! He is opposed for, Western countries do not wish to jeopardize their sovereignty, cause tremors in   the levels of domestic wages, terrorism is such a big question that involves national security, the developing countries would not like to drain their own talent on a large scale, with children migrating on such a large scale, what about the poor parents?—it is going to be such a big sociological problem, the cultural cohesion of all the affected countries will be disturbed beyond   repair, the churning process will be damaging—Pritchett has some soft   answers for many such important issues, but   his hard critics are not willing to listen. Pritchett says that the migrants are temporary workers; they are coming to return to their home country. They will stay 3 to 5 years, with no scope for regular citizenship, and they are coming as stop-gap arrangements to work in areas with certified labor shortages. They will not bring the families. So, the taxpayers of the host country need not take up the responsibility of educating the migrants’ children. A revolving labor pool will be created. Lant Pritchett is no ordinary think-tank and he is always battle ready to talk and write on global issues. He is a non-resident fellow at the Centre for Global Development and is a lead socio-economist with the World Bank, based in New Delhi, India. He is to take up the assignment of Professor of the Practice of Economic Development at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, shortly. (I think he has since taken up his assignment.) Conclusion: Labor unrest has been the cause of many devastating revolutions. Then pages of labor movements all over the world, daubed in bloodshed, ask a crying question. How to make this Planet Earth peaceful with plenty and prosperity? The answer is simple and direct. Eyes full of understanding, heart full of love, life that effuses conflicts, and employment opportunities and freedom of movement for one and all—these alone are enough!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Planning and Management

Planning and Management Planning and Management Many communities in the world today are challenged by getting clean and adequate water to cater for their daily needs. Water plays a vital role in enhancing plant and animal life in the world. This challenge is more prevalent in arid and semi arid areas where adequate water is not available (Kabbes, 2007). This paper will therefore look at factors that must be considered when designing method of water provision in arid areas. The areas to be discussed will revolve around; planning, management, finance, harvesting, population, environmental factors and quality of water. Planning and management of dams. Before construction of dams takes place, it is important to determine the population that will benefit from the project. Population will determine the size of dam that needs to be constructed. This will go hand in hand with determination of soil type and water table levels so that a lot of digging is not involved (Sehlke,2004). In addition, the design should cater for an expanding population, meaning the provision of expanding should be put in place. It is important to involve the community to gain their support as well as to get dependable people who will manage the project once it is complete (Walton, 2005). Funding. Funds play a pivotal role in determining the size of dam to be constructed. Without adequate finance, such project can stall or fail to start. This is an important aspect that should be considered for effective implementation of the program (Water, 2011). Maintenance. Any project requires short term and long term envision of how it will work. It will be important to consider how maintenance will be done, cost implication, viability and who will be doing the maintenance. At times, it is important to involve the locals so that cost implication is within reasonable limits (Starret, 2009). Environmental factors. Factors including weather pattern soil type, relief of the ground and vegetation should be considered. This will help in selecting the best site for location of the water project (Rain, 2011). In conclusion, all factors should be evaluated extensively to ensure the success of the program. Community participation should be encouraged from the initial stages since they will be the beneficially of the project.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Why People Visit Websites Essays

Why People Visit Websites Essays Why People Visit Websites Essay Why People Visit Websites Essay List at least five reasons why people visit Web sites. Learn about products or services that the company offers Buying products or services that the company offers Obtaining information about warranty, service, or repair policies for products purchased Obtaining general company or organization information Obtaining financial information for making an investment in the compnay or organization Identifying the people that manage the organization Obtaining contact information for a person or department in the organization 2. What are the guidelines that must be followed by Web designers when creating a Web site that is intended to meet the specific needs of customers? Design the site around how visitors will navigate the links, not based on companys organization structure Allow visitors to access information quickly Avoid using inflated marketing statements in product or service descriptions Avoid using business jargon and terms the user may not understand Build the site to work for visitors who are using the oldest browser software on the oldest computer connected through the lowest bandwidth connectioneven if this means creating multiple versions of webpages Be consistent in the use of design features Make sure the navigation controls are clearly labeled or otherwise recognizable Test text visually on smaller monitors Check to make sure that color combinations do not impair viewing clarity for color-blind visitors Conduct usability tests by having potential site users navigate through several versions of the site. 3. List five goals that businesses should meet when constructing a Web site, so that it successfully conveys an integrated image and offers information to potential customers. Offer easily accessible information about hte organization Allow visitors to experince the site in different ways / at different levels Provide vistors with a meaningful two-way (interactive) communication link with the organization Sustain visitor attention and encourage return visits Offer easily accessible information about products and services and how to use them 4. An effective site is one that creates an attractive presence that meets the objectives of the business or organization.List at least five common objectives. Attract visitors to the site Make site interesting enough for users to explore Convince users to follow sites links to obtain information Create an impression consistent with the organizations desired image Build trusting relationship with visitors Reinforce positive images th at the visitor may already have had about the organization Encourage visitors to return to the site

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Discover the Definition of a State, Sovereign State, Country, and Nation

Discover the Definition of a State, Sovereign State, Country, and Nation While the terms country, state, sovereign state, nation, and nation-state are often used interchangeably, there is a difference. Simply put: A state is a territory with its own institutions and populations.A sovereign state is a state with its own institutions and populations which has a permanent population, territory, and government. It must also have the right and capacity to make treaties and other agreements with other states.A nation is  a large group of people that inhabit a specific territory and are connected by history, culture or another commonality.A nation-state is a cultural group (a nation) that is also a state (and may, in addition, be a sovereign state). The word country can be used to mean the same thing as state, sovereign state, or nations include Wine Country (the grape-growing area of northern California) and Coal Country (the coal-mining region of Pennslyvania). Qualities of a Sovereign State State, nation, and country are all terms to describe groups of people who live in the same place and have a great deal in common. But while states and sovereign states are political entities, nations and countries may or may not be. A sovereign state (sometimes called an independent state) has the following qualities: Space or territory which has internationally recognized boundariesPeople who live there on an ongoing basis.Regulations governing foreign and domestic tradeThe ability to issue legal tender that is recognized across boundariesAn internationally recognized  government which provides public services and police power and has the right to make treaties, wage war, and take other actions on behalf of its peopleSovereignty, meaning that no other state should have power over the countrys territory. There are many geographic entities that have some but not all of the qualities that make up a There are presently 195 sovereign states in the world (197 by some counts); 193 are members of the United Nations (the United Nations excludes Palestine and the Holy See). Two other entities, Taiwan and Kosovo, are recognized by some but not all members of the United Nations. Entities That Are Not Sovereign States There are many entities that have geographical and cultural significance and many of the qualities of a sovereign state but which are not, in fact, independent sovereign states. These include territories, non-sovereign states, and nations. Non-Sovereign States Territories of sovereign states are not sovereign states in their own right. There are many entities that have most qualities of sovereign states but are officially considered to be sovereign. Many have their own histories, and some even have their own languages. Examples include: Hong KongBermudaGreenlandPuerto RicoNorthern Ireland, Wales, Scotland, and England, all of which are non-sovereign parts of the United Kingdom The word state is also used to refer to geographic sections of sovereign states which have their own governments but which are subject to the larger federal government. The 50 United States are non-sovereign states. Nations Nations are culturally homogeneous groups of people which share a common language, institution, religion, and/or historical experience. Some nations are sovereign states, but many are not; some of those nations that hold territory but are not sovereign states include: The Indian Nations of the United StatesBosniaCatalonia (in northern Spain)QuebecCorsicaSicilyTibet In addition to nations that are non-sovereign states, it can be argued that there are nations that govern no territory at all.  For example, the Sindhi, Yoruba, Rohingya, and Igbo people share histories, cultures, and language but have no territory. There are some States which have two nations, such as Canada and Belgium. Nation-States When a nation of people has a sovereign state of their own, it is called a nation-state. Populations living in nation-states share a history, language, ethnicity, and culture (though, of course, most nation-states now include populations of immigrants who do not share the local culture). Places like Iceland and Japan are excellent examples of nation-states: the vast majority of people born in those nation-states share the same ancestry and culture.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Hypothesis testing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Hypothesis testing - Essay Example There is a procedure followed in hypothesis testing. The first step involves the stating of both the null and alternate hypothesis. The hypothesis is stated in a manner that they are mutually exclusive. The second stage is the determination of the level of significance (Lehmann, 2004). The higher the level of significance, the higher the precision attained. The sample size is then determined to allow for the collection of data. The size of data will determine the type of test conducted. After the collection of data, one moves to the stage of data analysis. In this stage, the value of test statistics is calculated e.g. z-value or the t-value (2012). The analysis of the calculated value is made by use of the statistical tables. The table is used to determine if the calculated score falls within the acceptance or rejection region (Lehmann, 2004). The final stage is then made depending on the location of the score. If the calculated value falls in the rejection region, the null hypothesis is rejected implying that there is significant variation in the observation made. Two kinds of error can be made in hypothesis testing: type one and type two errors. Type one error is that which leads to the rejection of null hypothesis which is true whereas type two error is the error of accepting a false null hypothesis. In conclusion, the stages in hypothesis testing if well followed makes the hypothesis testing easy to comprehend and make statistical decisions. Hypothesis testing is therefore essential in analyzing data to determine its validity and truthfulness hence important in making statistical

Friday, October 18, 2019

EPISODIC and Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

EPISODIC and Analysis - Essay Example He is also complaining of shortness in breath, stuff nose and persistence of cough. On the other hand, T.M. denied smoking cigarettes, taking prohibited drugs and drinking alcoholic beverages. He has no allergic reactions to any food, any drug or medication, or any environmental factors. As a patient, he had not complained of pains or of any past hospitalizations. But he is sexually active and had undergone AIDS test. His two other brothers also tested negative of the AIDS test last year. He has had vaccination for milestones completed. He had no previous medications taken or OTC drugs. His parents are positive for hypertension. This seventeen (17) years old African American male was a mesomorph. His physique could be characterized to be predominantly muscular. He was alert being very much aware of his surroundings when he was oriented three times. He had low grade fever at 990F. This was way below the margin of 100.40F or 380C. He was positive for adenopathy for some swelling on the perineal area because of the yellow perineal discharge present. However, he does not have inflamed eyes. He had also no visible wounds, not even rectal rashes. His lungs were clear. This means his respiration was normal. His heart rate was normal at P: 58; RR: 18; T: 99.1 and BP is 139/91. Finally, his nose drainage was clear, but, his voice was hoarse (+). Subsequently, the following plan was designed and suggested for an assessment of the patient after consulting with school clinic: 1) Gonorrhea/ Chlamydia Test – for Urethral Infection – a Non-culture detection of N. gonorrhea – b. Culture positive for N. gonorrhea, with or without confirmation tests; 2.) Test for Rectal/Pharyngeal Infection; 3.) Test for HIV from the patient’s blood collected sample; 4.) DNA probe test must be done to rule out Chlamydia; 5.) Immunodiagnostic test must be done for the antigen-antibody reaction (Engelkirk and Burton, 2007); 6.) For medication, the patient must take: Rocephin 125mg

Reflect on Challenges and Successes Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Reflect on Challenges and Successes - Assignment Example How they would overcome the challenges to boost the learning process as a whole. Modifying of the curriculum to fit the learners’ best interest was part of the research. This paper was prepared from materials and articles obtained in the library. Other data collected was direct to the field study at near local schools where I attended their full-time curriculum and interacted with the learners as well. I also used books on education to relate to my field study. Through the interaction with students, also had questionnaires that were both oral and others were in written form to those who wanted confidentiality. Most of the learners came out freely and told their mind of what they thought education was like (Hopkins 2008). According to, Philpott, a Masters student from the University of Edinburgh, she comes out clearly and explains the challenges that are facing the school system. Also from the researching policy, I found that despite the existence of the comprehensive structure of roles and responsibility, several policies do advocate for educational issues of health and HIV/AIDS and biased gender. Subsequently, there is seen to be the lack of effectiveness of the communication flows, monitoring of the learners, training of the teachers and overall evaluation of the education curriculum system (Radin, 2006). Lack of trained personnel and lack of essential learning equipment to both teachers and the students due to increased poverty level that has resonated the entire school environment. Most institutions lacked qualified trained personnel. Scarcity of reading and learning materials by the developing nations is seen to be a challenging factor as well (Radin, 2006). Socio-cultural practices are also witnessed to paralyzes the education system where in some ethnic groups do not offer education to the girl child terming it a misuse of finical resources. Cases of school dropout are amongst the most

The big sleep Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The big sleep - Essay Example This theme is carried on further by locations tied to Marlowe. From his eyes, we are offered a glimpse of his old office building with its iron work and wood interiors. Here, there was demonstration of glamour or a spark of life that struggled to exist in the face of an obviously dying city. Then, there were also the observations from other characters, confirmed by Marlowe’s assent and body language. In his interview with the general, for example, the latter’s first impression of Marlowe was that of â€Å"a man with blood on his veins.† (p. 7) A little while later, Mrs. Regan would say to Marlowe’s face that he is a handsome man and Marlowe acknowledged it with a grunt. Chandler effectively built his protagonist’s character very early in the story. The protagonist’s background – an underpaid drudge – made a lot of sense why the style of the narrative was what it was, simple, straightforward but vivid in describing the richness, luxury and corruption of the period. After, all, it was from Marlowe’s eyes that the reader learn of the tale. There are numerous points wherein the narration resembled crisp, staccato rhythms demonstrating Marlowe’s personality. This was pretty surprising, however, especially when one takes into account that Chandler is British and the narratives that immediately preceded his work where firmly in the tradition of elaborate and almost floral prose. In a scene from the book, there was an instance when Harry Jones was recounting a narrative testimony about Mr. Canino, Eddie Mars and the mysterious Mona Mars. Afterwards, when he was alone in his office, Marlowe was quoted as saying: I went upstairs again and sat in my chair thinking about Harry Jones and his story. It seemed a little too pat. It had the austere simplicity of fiction rather than the tangled woof of fact.† (p. 115) Here, Chandler clearly expressed his view of fiction or at least its

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Agriculture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Agriculture - Essay Example ides to kill pests instantly, and insertion of toxin genes in plants to kill feeding insects or larva (as in the case of genetically modified crops like Bt corn). There are some significant effects of modern agriculture on the environment. Extensive use of pesticides pollutes the air and causes respiratory and other health problems in humans and animals. These effects can be fatal in extreme cases of pesticide poisoning. The prolonged use of fertilizer, especially nitrogen, results in the decrease of soil pH. This means the soil becomes acidic, and therefore this will lead to subsequent yield reduction until such time that the soil becomes unfavourable for productive crop growing. Growing genetically modified herbicide tolerant crops (which is coupled with extensive herbicide use) may alter the weed population and microfauna in areas where they are cultivated. Extensive land preparation also has effects on the soil texture, soil microflora, and fauna. Agricultural pests can be insects, microbes, rodents, fungi, weeds. The primary effect of pests in agriculture is to decrease by some degree, the yield that is economically important. Extreme pest infestation can lead to famines. As an example, the potato blight, a fungus responsible for the Ireland famine in the 1800s, has resurfaced in the Andes region lately, seriously affecting potato yields (Barclay) and causing fear of famine. Locust infestation is devastating and has been responsible for famines even during biblical times. In rice growing areas, the major pests are rodents and snails that cut rice stems therefore reducing the number of productive tillers and diseases like blast and tungro. Livestock also have pests that can cause epidemics; like the bird flu which is caused by a virus. Chicken with, or suspected to have, bird flu, are killed and this results in a shortage of chicken and eggs, and consequently, increase in prices of these commodities. Another notable disease is the mad cow disease that led to

The meal experience Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The meal experience - Assignment Example This area houses padded stools and benches around bars and a variety of tables. Warm, gleaming natural wood paneling accents the space, along with tiffany lighting, mirrors, signs and local artifacts on the walls. Hand-written signs above the bar list current menu offerings and specials. The dining areas offer a lighter, brighter contrast to the pub lounge. One dining area presents neutral tones, tiled floors, a fireplace, and complementary dà ©cor. Brick walls lead to another area with inviting wood flooring and additional privacy resulting from stained glass dividers. If the weather permits, the beer garden at the back of the establishment offers a grill for barbecue, with picnic tables and umbrellas to allow guests to enjoy the fresh air as part of their dining experience. All areas of the establishment are clean and appear to be well-maintained. The dà ©cor, use of local artifacts, comfortable seating, and organization of the restaurant lay the foundation for an excellent dining experience. Nothing in the setting detracts from the meal; everything is complementary, and the environment invites the guests to relax and enjoy themselves. The staff of The Fatted Calf supports this invitation to relax. From the initial greeting, throughout all courses, and into the end of the meal, the staff was very patient and nice. They answered all of our questions thoroughly, were personable, and maintained an exemplary level of service that allowed us to focus on the meal. Of particular note is the head chef and co-owner, Feargal O’Donnell, who created the original menu and attended us personally throughout the meal. Chef O’Donnell explained the menu in detail, emphasizing the use of local and artisan ingredients where possible in all of the dishes in the restaurant. This practice ensures freshness, while generating good will for the establishment. Our sample menu included Donald Russell Irish

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Agriculture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Agriculture - Essay Example ides to kill pests instantly, and insertion of toxin genes in plants to kill feeding insects or larva (as in the case of genetically modified crops like Bt corn). There are some significant effects of modern agriculture on the environment. Extensive use of pesticides pollutes the air and causes respiratory and other health problems in humans and animals. These effects can be fatal in extreme cases of pesticide poisoning. The prolonged use of fertilizer, especially nitrogen, results in the decrease of soil pH. This means the soil becomes acidic, and therefore this will lead to subsequent yield reduction until such time that the soil becomes unfavourable for productive crop growing. Growing genetically modified herbicide tolerant crops (which is coupled with extensive herbicide use) may alter the weed population and microfauna in areas where they are cultivated. Extensive land preparation also has effects on the soil texture, soil microflora, and fauna. Agricultural pests can be insects, microbes, rodents, fungi, weeds. The primary effect of pests in agriculture is to decrease by some degree, the yield that is economically important. Extreme pest infestation can lead to famines. As an example, the potato blight, a fungus responsible for the Ireland famine in the 1800s, has resurfaced in the Andes region lately, seriously affecting potato yields (Barclay) and causing fear of famine. Locust infestation is devastating and has been responsible for famines even during biblical times. In rice growing areas, the major pests are rodents and snails that cut rice stems therefore reducing the number of productive tillers and diseases like blast and tungro. Livestock also have pests that can cause epidemics; like the bird flu which is caused by a virus. Chicken with, or suspected to have, bird flu, are killed and this results in a shortage of chicken and eggs, and consequently, increase in prices of these commodities. Another notable disease is the mad cow disease that led to

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Safeguarding Young People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Safeguarding Young People - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the world is changing and so are the people living in it. Every day we are bombarded with news of new technology evolving, new cures for the ailing and progress and research in every field. Unfortunately, the changing world has also given us a reason to fear for our safety. Since the 9/11 attacks on the world trade center, terrorism has become the ‘it’ word and our times has seen quite a few examples of terrorism already. The US attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq has instilled fear of attack against all Muslim nations just because terrorism and Islam have time and again wrongly been used concurrently and many times interchangeably. However, the successes and concerns discussed above have all been on the Macro level. It is important that these successes and concerns be judged on an individual level too. At this microscopic level, we can find out lesser issues of life and the little reasons happiness. Scoring a good grade on a term paper might be the source of happiness for a student while family pressures may be a distressing factor. This paper aims to discuss these micro-level problems the youth face in that period from birth becoming young adults. â€Å"Today’s youth is tomorrow’s future†. This adage holds true since children of today will inevitably become important people in the future. Protecting and looking after them is not only a duty of the parents but also of the whole society. Sometime in the future parents will expect their children to look after them, and the society would want that the children take care of the society’s values and beliefs too. ‘Safeguarding’ is the term that is used to describe the caring and protection the youth need against the various harms and risks they unknowingly face each day. (Safeguarding, Page 257) The example in Activity 1 (page 257) helps us to discover the concept and meaning of ‘Safeguarding’. In the example, Carl is described as an outgoing person who hangs out with his friends. He is abused at home so he goes out with some street friends who are of the wrong type and so he gets involved into wrong activities as well resulting in his grades at school to drop. Evaluating this scenario we can say that everybody near him is at a risk of getting hurt. Hanging out with the wrong type of friends may harm the whole society. Being irregular at school and a source of getting bullied also poses risk to the school environment and other students. However a social worker would describe as Carl being at the highest risk. Domestic abuse, bullying, lighting a fire and abusive language are the risks that Carl faces in his life. He might be kicked out of school and since his parents don’t care about him, and end up with his hooligan street friends stealing to live his life and if he gets caught someday, he will end up in prison. This is how easily a person’s life can be destroyed if they are not safeguarded. Therefore it is our binding duty to protect such innocent children and show them the correct path to the future. Problems Faced Children usually perceive their problems to be connected with the broad domains of school, family and friends. These are usually the domains through which the children get to interact with others and learn. Problem such as domestic abuse may lead to pervasive and persistent damage to health. Family and social relationships will inevitably decrease and the child will become anti-social. Getting bullied in school may hamper the education capability of a person and can downgrade the emotional and behavioural development. The child then might just want to hide his social presence and not participate at all in collective activities that are prompted by the society. (Safeguarding, Page 258, 259) (Young People and Welfare, Page 1) It is observed that when young people are able to rid themselves from situations of harm, they make them vulnerable to a different sort of harm that is usually more dangerous. A child, who runs away from home since his father abuses and hits him, might adopt a more passive

Monday, October 14, 2019

Henri Matisse: Artwork Styles

Henri Matisse: Artwork Styles The world is a mural on which we all paint. A revolutionary paints this world with wide strokes and paying no attention to those who try to restrict him. Using different colours, different styles, but still respecting the past behind them, a revolutionary makes an impact on the overall picture. Henri Matisse not only literally painted, but splashed water colour all over the art world. Matisse was a revolutionary with bright new ideas, inventions, and comprehension for the past. As a revolutionary, his ideas still flow through art. His beginning with colour made a path for all to come. Henri Matisse introduced his new ideas to the art world at the turn of the century. At the time art was slowly becoming Modern. The new age of modernism, was based on the simple view of objects, letting them become the art; rather than the artist making art out of them. Painters began to look at the objects in different ways and paint in different styles. Matisse became a forerunner in revolutionizing modern art. Matisse led a group of artists including Manguin, Braque, and Derain, all having similar views on art. (Henri Matisse 337) This new group introduced Fauvism into the art world. Fauvism was one of the first modern movements. The Fauvist group started to view objects as shapes and dissolving the boundaries lines created (Arnason, Fauvism). From 1905 to 1910, Fauvism took the art world by storm. A fauvist looked at objects with brilliant colour, using common manufactured paint. (Matisse, Portrait of Madame Matisse) This was shocking to the publics view of art, which was the ide a that a great painting took years to produce and many details. This movement had been completely pushed by Henri Matisses new concepts of colour, the idea of colour being organic, solid, and brilliant. (Greenberg) He once said When I put a green, it is not grass. When I put a blue, it is not the sky. Meaning that colour could be anywhere, not just the places where it is most present. (Spurling 102) In 1908 Matisse started an art school in Paris. (Spurling 98) There he taught his students to draw with innocence, referring to how children first learn to draw. Drawing with innocence meant drawing what you saw the first time you look at something. This was revolutionary to the world because Matisse had found a way to communicate art in the purest of ways. Even with all these new ideas flowing from his hand onto his paintings, Matisee never doubted tradition. Clement Greenberg wrote in his essay on Matisse, The superior artist is the one and knows how to be influenced. Matisse certainly knew how, especially when, as in the 1920s, he reached back into the past, to Chardin, Manet, and Cezanne. Matisse used the masters before him to influence his art. He took styles from the past and redefined them in the context of his own world. In Cezannes Les joueurs de carte, the colour is in fragments all over the picture, The objects remain organic and the overall theme isnt clouded. This picture is influential in Matisses work, example The Window. The use of colour, theme, and shape are all entwined with each other in both paintings. A succesful revolutionary refines what has passed and uses it to his own advantage. Matisse uses legends to push his ideas to the front. His traditional twists and new ideas were not his only ways to change the art world, his certain sense of appliquà © was just as influential. Matisses constant style of applying paint was highly influential on art. What was novel was his sense of touch. That touch, Matisses way of putting paint to canvas, revolutionized art. His brush laid on and stroked the varying thinness of paint so that the white ground breathed as well as showed through. But even when he laid his paint on evenly or more densely, or when he used a palette knife the paint surface would still manage to breathe. (Greenberg) The paint surface, even when the picture as a whole failed, would maintain its liveness. That touch was a great step forward in art and not only for Matisse himself, but for other, younger painters, particularly American ones. He opened up the paintings to a modern and refreshing view Matisses ideas grew into the simplicity and detachment that aids modern art today. Two of Matisses is strongest paintings have the respective subjects: a window, table, two chairs and a bowl of flowers (Matisse, The Window); a marble-topped table in the open with a few small objects on it (Matisse, The Rose Marble Table). These pictures were painted during the darkest days of the First World War. These paintings supplement the idea of Matisse being a revolutionary because his detachment from society during a time where society was so important. Matisse just painted, ignoring the presence of humans during the war. (Greenberg) Most artists were filled with emotion and expressing it on canvas for the world, while Matisse just shrunk into the seclusion of his mind and painted what he saw. In fact, Matisse always painted what he saw, never what he felt. He detached himself from society as well as his painting subjects. Detachment is what modernism thrives on, because to be simple and a mi nimalist, you must not over express your emotions. As a forebearer of Modern Art, he set the standards for detachment. Along with his paintings understanding of life philosophically, they understood the most basic shapes with his paper cutouts. Matisse invented new forms of art. Gouche Decoupee was his most famous invention in visual media (Suiff). Gouche Decuopee is paper cutouts painted with Gouche (opaque watercolour). His HYPERLINK o Blue Nudes Blue Nudes series feature prime examples of this technique he called painting with scissors; they demonstrate Matisss ability to bring colour and geometry to a new medium of simplicity. (Matisse, Blue Nude II). These inventions in expressing ideas in different ways than just painting compliment Matisses status as a revolutionary, showing that new forms express new ideas. A revolutionarys ideas on the world will surpass their death. Robert Hughes a well known art critic wrote an article about a show of Matisses work at a museum post-mortem. He was not an abstract artist but a painter of bodies and space. Sixty years has done little to blunt the impact of the flat out chromatic intensity of Henri Matisses work. (Hughes 171) This shows that Matisses works are still being shown today and that his ideas are thriving behind the glass of the various museums they sit in. A critic whom tears apart canvas with his teeth can still relate to Matisse years after he painted. Modern art today is based on the simplicity that Matisse introduced in the early 1900s. You can see this in Marc Chagalls painting, I The Village. The flat use of colour is reminiscent of Matisse as well as the simplicity of the organic objects within the painting. Everything your eyes touch that is said to be Modern Art is influenced by Matisse, whether the artist knows it or not. Matisse simplified life and defined Modern art within the context of innocence. Matisse sparked ideas of many artists; Picasso was heavily influenced by Matisses concept of colour and carried it over into his Cubist movement (Hughes 170). Picasso remained emotional through his art, where as Matisse was a stoic. Picassos pictures tend to close in on themselves, no ma tter what, Matisses to open out, no matter what. Matisses many works of art are still being shown at world class museums, such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York and the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Henri Matisse brought on Modern art through his ability to move a brush on canvas. The way he dictated his style, revolutionized art forever. His simple objects, brilliant colours, and social detachment were things not seen before in a famous painter. Throughout his life from Fauvism to the wars to his paper collages, he never failed to communicate with his artwork. A dialogue that is still present past his death. A successful revolutionary keeps affecting the world generation after generation. Matisse affects the world as painters see and create everyday, forever going back the conquistador of colour and shape.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Diversification of the American Workforce: Impact on Interaction betwee

Diversification of the American Workforce: Impact on Interaction between Managers and Employees Abstract The diversification of the American Workforce has changed the way managers interact with employees. This diversification is due to tighter labor markets, increased immigration, and women entering the workforce. Cultural factors, not present before, have caused managers to develop new methods of tasking, motivating, and educating these diverse employees. Essentially these new methods have been a change in interpersonal behavior, the way a manager acts and re-acts to employees. This change in behavior was necessary to increase productivity and maintain a competitive edge in the market place. I. Introduction In my Cultural Anthropology course, I had to learn and memorize the definition of culture; â€Å"Culture is an organized system of learned behavior patterns, always made manifest in a group, making that group distinctive from other groups†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This definition was the basis for my understanding and ability to learn about other people, different than myself and from different backgrounds, during my studies in Anthropology and Psychology. This definition has the key element of what culture is, a system of behavior distinctive to a particular group of people. These behaviors range from cultural norms to religious beliefs. In business, the effectiveness of an organization rests on the ability of the management to interact with its employees and to motivate the workforce to accomplish the goals of the company. This ability of interaction between the manager and the employees depends on the managers understanding of the cultural differences between himself and his employees. The masculine form is only being used as example for the purpose of this paper. It is understood that the managers will most likely be male or female. An organization is affected by cultural factors on many levels. The top management forms the basic foundation of an organization when they set the primary goals for that organization, the reason the organization is in business. An example would be that a car company in the United States of America would have the ultimate goal of making large amounts of profit for it’s stakeholders. This goal is derived in the root cultural tenant of capitalism. The United States was founded with capitalist ideas and so American managers will have capitalist ide... ...behavior towards diverse employees and learn to understand the cultural differences between them will undoubtedly increase productivity and gain a competitive edge in the market place.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   VI. References Bernstein, A. and Rozen, S. (1992). Neanderthals at work. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Bowman-Kruhm, M. and Wirths, C. (1998). Discrimination and prejudice. New York: Rosen Publishing. Burns, J. (1978). Leadership. New York: Harper and Row. Chaleff, I. (1995). The courageous follower. San Francisco: Berlett-Koehler Publishers. Creating a diverse workforce. (n.d.) Retrieved March 1, 2003, from http://www.businessweek. com/adsections/diversity/diversework.htm Daft, R. (1988). Management. New York: The Dryden Press. Devoe, D. (1999). Managing a diverse workforce. Retrieved March 1, 2003, from Kotkin, J. (1993). Tribes: how race, religion, and identity determine success in the new global economy. New York: Random House. Kowalenko, K. (2000). Increasing diversity in America’s science, engineering, and technology fields. Retrieved March 1, 2003, from

Saturday, October 12, 2019

How to Nurture a Friendship :: Friendship Essay

How to Nurture a Friendship A friend is someone who cherishes the special moments and memories of life with another person. A friend is a trustworthy companion. Friendship is a relationship which takes time to build. There are many steps and stages to achieving a true friendship. However, one can think building a friendship is like planting a garden. For many people, planting a garden represents, devotion and leisure. It takes patience to grow a garden, frustrations and hardships are also involved in the process. Firstly the seed is planted. The seed builds the foundation of a strong and stable plant. It has to be taken care of and watered daily. Then the shoots start sprouting, the plant is finally flourishing. One can see day by day the garden maturing. Then one day the garden starts to wilt, its dying. One has to tend to it and have the patience and determination to bring it back to life. It frustrates one to see the insects and predators preying on the beautiful garden that once existed. But hard work and devotion regains the gardens beauty and gives it life again. Soon a shoots blossom an bloom into beautiful flowers. The charm and divine beauty of the garden is a wonderful enlightening sight. Building a friendship has similar characteristics. One meets a person and plants the seed of friendship. The friendship builds and continues to grow stronger. It requires devotion of time and patience to achieve peak communication between the two companions. The struggle to keep a solid friendship includes many obstacles and hardships. But compromising, devotion and the willingness to endure is bound to payoff in the end. As Bernard Wolf quotes ^It takes a long time to grow an old friendship^. Friendship has its good and bad times. There comes a time when the relationship is just not working. It is preoccupied with disagreements and quarrels. It is on the verge of destruction. One must have the patience to deal with such frustrations. The willingness and determination to get the relationship working again come within. Compromising and persistence rebuilds the friendship and is once again reestablished. As Socrates once said ^Be slow to fall into friendship, but when thou art ! in, continue firm and constant^. The friendship is blooming and is finally on its peak. Its great to have a strong and stable relationship which allows the two companions to share the joys and memories of life together. How to Nurture a Friendship :: Friendship Essay How to Nurture a Friendship A friend is someone who cherishes the special moments and memories of life with another person. A friend is a trustworthy companion. Friendship is a relationship which takes time to build. There are many steps and stages to achieving a true friendship. However, one can think building a friendship is like planting a garden. For many people, planting a garden represents, devotion and leisure. It takes patience to grow a garden, frustrations and hardships are also involved in the process. Firstly the seed is planted. The seed builds the foundation of a strong and stable plant. It has to be taken care of and watered daily. Then the shoots start sprouting, the plant is finally flourishing. One can see day by day the garden maturing. Then one day the garden starts to wilt, its dying. One has to tend to it and have the patience and determination to bring it back to life. It frustrates one to see the insects and predators preying on the beautiful garden that once existed. But hard work and devotion regains the gardens beauty and gives it life again. Soon a shoots blossom an bloom into beautiful flowers. The charm and divine beauty of the garden is a wonderful enlightening sight. Building a friendship has similar characteristics. One meets a person and plants the seed of friendship. The friendship builds and continues to grow stronger. It requires devotion of time and patience to achieve peak communication between the two companions. The struggle to keep a solid friendship includes many obstacles and hardships. But compromising, devotion and the willingness to endure is bound to payoff in the end. As Bernard Wolf quotes ^It takes a long time to grow an old friendship^. Friendship has its good and bad times. There comes a time when the relationship is just not working. It is preoccupied with disagreements and quarrels. It is on the verge of destruction. One must have the patience to deal with such frustrations. The willingness and determination to get the relationship working again come within. Compromising and persistence rebuilds the friendship and is once again reestablished. As Socrates once said ^Be slow to fall into friendship, but when thou art ! in, continue firm and constant^. The friendship is blooming and is finally on its peak. Its great to have a strong and stable relationship which allows the two companions to share the joys and memories of life together.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Company †BlackBerry mobiles Essay

BCG matrix is a portfolio planning model, which is used to determine position of the product in the product portfolio of the company. Under this model, company divides its business units into four categories on the basis of combinations of market growth and market share comparative to the leading opponent. This model helps the management to analyze the future growth of different business units. We can take the example of BlackBerry mobiles. It is the Canadian telecommunication and wireless equipment company best known to the general public as the developer of the BlackBerry brand of smart phones and tablets. At one point of time, BlackBerry mobiles were considered as best mobiles in the market. They use to give direct competition to the Nokia and apple mobile phones. In 2011, the market share of the BlackBerry mobiles was 14.3%. But, over the last few years, company market share has declined to 0.6%. In BCG Matrix, we can place the BlackBerry mobiles into question mark category. We have placed the BlackBerry mobiles into question mark category because the market of mobile is increasing with the rate of around 40% but the market share of the BlackBerry mobiles is deceasing every year. Apart from BlackBerry, all other major mobile phone companies such as Samsung, Apple, Huawei, and Lenovo are growing with good pace. Actually, unlike other companies, BlackBerry did not focused on innovation. It was the last major mobile manufacturing company, which introduced the smart phone. They do not able to match the expectations and needs of the people, due to which company lost its market share into the hands of other mobile manufacturing companies. References

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Using the Law to Protect the Environment

Introduction When defining the environment, Dimento (2003) states that it comprises of both natural and anthropogenic elements that are not only mutually interrelated, but has an impact on the ecological balance, life, human health, historical and cultural heritage and the landscape. From this definition, the environment comprises of three main things, the natural resources, the fauna and flora, and the properties which form part of the cultural heritage (Shelton & Kiss 2005). The misuse of environmental resources and pollution worldwide has prompted commitment from governments and major stakeholders to put in place measures to protect the environment, and, consequently, environmental laws are being enacted in an effort to protect the environment (Dimento 2003). The environmental resources cannot be rejuvenated once depleted; neither can it protect itself from misuse and pollution. Therefore, only the law can be used to protect the environment. Putting in place laws in charge of the environment w ill speak loudly about how the environment can be used sustainably as well as give prior warnings to those who may intend to misuse or pollute the environment. Laws usually give directions and consequences of going against such directions. Environment has its own rights and any violator of such rights will only be answerable to the law. According to UNEP, environmental law looks at the features of the protection programs which have been put in place to safeguard specific aspects of the environment and natural resources, such as water, air, waste and endangered species. It is also the reference point for judges presiding over environment related cases (Thirlway 2003). Before 1960, the environmental law did not exist as independently as other domestic or international legal issues (Shelton, Kiss & Kanami 2003). However, international laws in place currently to help tackle the scientific issues which affect the environment, such as uncertainty issues, sustainable development, issues of diversity and settings issues of individuals and the society, and economics aspects of the environment (Fitzmaurice 2003). These laws seek to control the use of resources in a sustainable manner and to eradicate contamination of the environment through pollution and similar human practices. These laws, therefore, protects against loss of biodiversity, loss of fertility, desertification and famine, depletion of fishing resources, increase of cancers due to depletion of the ozone layer and damage of future generations (Zaelke, Kaniaru & Kruzikova 2005). According to the United Nations (2003), sources of environmental laws can be classified into two categories: the National laws and the International laws. The basis of the legal mechanisms of the environmental law include prohibition and restriction of activities such as pollution, product and process standards, prior informed consent, environmental impact assessment, and land use regulation (Zaelke, Kaniaru & Kruzikova 2005). General ly, these laws are formulated in such a way that they are preventive, that is, they prevent damage of the environment such that the use of some resources from the environment must be approved through rigorous exercises of environmental impact assessment and other similar regulations. This, in a broader perspective, helps in protecting the environment. Sanctions and penalties have also been put in place for those who fail to comply and this also helps in protecting the environment (Stanley, Johnson & Gunther 1993). References. Dimento, J., (2003)., The Global Environment and International Law, .University Of Texas Press. Fitzmaurice, M., (2003)., The Practical Working of the Law of Treaties, In International law, Oxford University Press. Tarlock, D., History of Environmental law. Environmental law and their enforcement, Vol 1, Thirlway, H., (2003)., The Sources of International Law, In International Law, Oxford University Press. (272) Shelton and Kiss., (2005)., Judicial handbook on Environmental law, UNEP, Hertfordsire, Shelton, Kiss & and Kanami., (2003)., Economic Globalization and Compliance with International Environmental Agreements. New York:, Kluwer Law International, New York. Stanley, Johnson and & Gunther., (1993)., Managing Fragile Ecosystems: Combating Desertification and Drought, The Earth Summit: The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) n.d United Nations., (2003),. Handbook of Final Clauses of Multilateral Treaties, United Nations Environment Programme, Division of Policy Development and Law (â€Å"Unep/Dpdl†) Zaelke, Kaniaru & and Kruzikova,. (2005),. Making Law Work, Environmental Compliance and Sustainable Development.,Cameroon.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Criteria for Joining the Military

Outline for the Persuasive Speech Name Joseph Fink Topic _____Why you should join the military_____________________________ I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: Would you fight for your freedom? B. Introduction of Topic / Establishment of Credibility: My topic is reasons for why joining the military can be a great career for anyone. My family has a history of serving in the Navy, Army, Airforce, Marines and the National Guard. I have heard first hand of how you can use the military as a stepping stone for a career you desire. It also can be a life long commitment.C. Thesis / Claim (What attitude/behavior do you want to change? ) Some people think badly about the military. They don’t think they get paid enough. They think that you are brain washed into thinking a certain way. Those people also usually look down on all government organizations and need to learn that not everything is perfect but would you rather live in a communist country with little or no freedom. There are th ings you can do to make changes in the way an organization is ran. But bashing it and putting it down will not get you anywhere. D.Preview of Main Points (Why should the audience’s attitude/behavior change? ) a. Not everyone is cut out to be in the military but you should respect those of us who are willing to put our lives on the line to fight for your freedom. b. Education can be an expensive path. The military helps with some of the burden. c. Just because the pay may not be what they deserve you have to look at the other benefits involved. Travel, medical, a place to live, security, a sense of belonging, a pride that you find in yourself that you did not even know existed. II. Body (List your three main points here with transitions.Each point should contain at least one instance documentation of your research—or this is plagiarism!!! ) A. Not everyone is cut out to be in the military but you should respect those of us who are willing to put our lives on the line to fight for your freedom. They may think that someone who joins the military is all brawn and not brain. A military mind set does not have to be a negative or robotic way of thinking. Everyone is an individual with different morals, ethics, faith and beliefs. In the military you use these strengths to come together with others that have the same goal as you.Whether you are in the military or not if you are an American you want your freedom, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Instead of looking down on those who are in the military you need to realize they have committed their mind, heart and soul to protecting your rights. They do not make the laws, bills, war or constitutional amendments. They fight for them. Those that do not feel they can make such a commitment need to realize that being in the military is an honor and the people who are willing to commit should be treated with respect and honor.Documentation: www. military. com B. Education can be an expensive path. The military h elps with some of the burden. While you are in the military you are allowed to take college classes. These classes are free, yes you heard me FREE. You can earn a degree while fighting for your country and also getting a paycheck. Not only are you able to get an education while you are in the military but you are given a GI bill when you get out. The GI bill can be used for any school you want to attend or classes you want to take. How does it relate to point A? ) Some people think that someone who joins the military is not smart enough to get into college so they go into the military because they have no other option. That is not the case. Planning a successful future for yourself is the main goal for someone who joins the military. They know it will put them on the right path to being a better person. Documentation: http://www. marinecorpstimes. com C. Just because the pay may not be what they deserve you have to look at the other benefits involved.Travel, medical, a place to live , security, a sense of belonging, a pride that you find in yourself that you did not even know existed. Join the Army, see the world! Some people think this is just a trick to get people to join the service. It may be a way to tempt people into joining but it is not false advertisement. You do get to see the world. And it is not always during a war. Most people tend to focus on negative things. There are many, many stories that you can hear from existing and prior military members that can tell you the wonders they have been able to see by traveling with the military.You do not have to worry if you get sick, you are 100% covered. Try getting that medical insurance out of the military. If anything happens to you while you are in the military you get disability pay. Most of these injuries are not from things that happen to you in a war but in everyday life. It is equalviant to workmen’s comp in the civilian world. Being the in military also helps you stay away from crime, drugs , any illegal activities. It becomes your mother and father watching out for you to make sure you stay on the right path.You always have a roof over your head and food in your stomach. You also get a VA loan which you can use to buy a house or even start your own business. (How does it relate to point B? ) Getting an education is also a major benefit you receive from the military. Documentation: http://www. militarybenefits. com/ III. Conclusion (Be creative!!! This is the final chance to change your audience’s attitude! ) A. Restate thesis statement. Some people think badly about the military. They don’t think they get paid enough. They think that you are brain washed into thinking a certain way.Those people also usually look down on all government organizations and need to learn that not everything is perfect but would you rather live in a communist country with little or no freedom. There are things you can do to make changes in the way an organization is ran. But b ashing it and putting it down will not get you anywhere. B. Summarize main ideas without explicitly stating them. a. Not everyone is cut out to be in the military but you should respect those of us who are willing to put our lives on the line to fight for your freedom. . Education can be an expensive path. The military helps with some of the burden. c. Just because the pay may not be what they deserve you have to look at the other benefits involved. Travel, medical, a place to live, security, a sense of belonging, a pride that you find in yourself that you did not even know existed. C. Leave the audience with something to think about. If everyone thought badly of the military where would we be now? Would there still be an America, what future would our children have?

Answer the following questions about history (HIST 4028) Essay

Answer the following questions about history (HIST 4028) - Essay Example Mills remonstrates in his essay from a non-paternalistic point of view where he identifies three basic areas of human liberty. He claims that an individual should not be deterred from pursuits meant for self gratification as long as they do not pose any harm to others. The only instance that a person can be denied their liberties is when they pose a risk or harm to other persons. He sums this up when he describes this as every individual’s right to exercise his or her inward domain of consciousness (Winks & Neuberger 51). The other area, which Mills identifies, is a person’s right to decide on the path, in life, they wish to take, which is represented as the liberty of tastes and pursuits. In this, he tries to show how humans are a dynamic entity that is capable of forging its own destiny individually without having to rely on guidelines from other people. The notion being forwarded by Mill’s three basic principles of human liberty are focused on individuality. I ndividuality is the key tenent in human nature that determines the influence and the impact that people have on others and the world. Individuality determines whether a person’s liberties are construed as dangerous to society because that person’s nature is expressed by how he utilizes his rights of liberty (Winker & Neuberger 59). History played a critical role on the development of philosophies and principles that he used to write his essay. Mills argued that there was a need for a scientific perspective and approach towards history in order for it to be used effectively utilized in society. Mills termed history as a progressive record in the course of events that contribute to the development of mankind. There were some scholars of his time who did not see the sense in his views, and some went ahead and disputed his postulates about the importance of history. This saw Mills go through a depressing time in his life and a change in his views on some subjects that he h ad earlier agreed upon. His depression created a period in his life where he was able to reflect on a wide range of ideas. His conviction on the importance of history in the study of other disciplines, in the humanities, grew stronger during this period. Mills focused his attention on French history, which he deemed more appropriate because most French thinkers at the time seemed to share in his schools of thought. Mills believed that historical events had a significant bearing on the development of society in the present. He also postulated that these events also had a substantial bearing to future events if inferences could be made on the past with regard to the future. Mills was able to study history through a scientific mindset and analyze historical facts. Mills forwarded the notion that historical facts can be used to unveil the law of progress which can enable people predict the future. There were some significant influences in his life that contributed to his notions about t he role history had to play in relation with other disciplines. One of the influences came from his interaction with French scholars and their written works concerning a wide range of subjects some, which intrigued him because of their philosophies regarding history’s role. Mills involvement in the The London Debating Society gave him the opportunity to make acquaintance of people like Samuel Coleridge (Winker & Neuberger 184). Coleridge’s philosophies regarding history complemented Mill’

Monday, October 7, 2019

Chinese Economic Reform Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8000 words

Chinese Economic Reform - Coursework Example The introduction of the reforms in 1978 allowed China to be a part of the few countries who were quickly heading towards the economies which were growing rapidly. It is also ahead in the field of exporting as well as importing of goods. According to statistics, the rate of poverty has fallen down since 1981 till 2005 from a 40 percent to 29 percent (The World Bank, 2008) and that is due to their industrialization sector. But now today, there seems to be a major problem with the ever growing population and inflation. The income of the rural-urban sectors seems to be dwindling and that indeed is a problem which needs to be dealt with. So, my motivation behind selecting this topic is to prepare a report about the inflation crisis in China and also how the monetary bank with their policy is going to control it. Therefore, that is my research question also, My objective in writing this report is to present with a discussion concerning inflation and what it is. Specifically, inflation in China will be considered and also the policies that the Chinese officials have undertaken in order to control it. I would also like to introduce the term inflation briefly and then further in chapter 2 I will explain it in detail. In February since the last 11 years the rate at which China's inflation grew was tremendous but not in a good way. Due to this everything turned upside down; it added immense pressure on the Chinese government to come up with plans to hold or slow down the economy and for the central bank to make an increase in their interest rates. One can say that China has sealed its own economic doom but I am hopeful that with these policies the inflation will be under control. In the coming chapters I will be discussing in length about the 1979 economic reform background, the government policies, inflation situations, economic theory, bank of China, central bank monetary policies, literature reviews of China's rapid growth and at the end an analysis of the

Sunday, October 6, 2019

World History Galileo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

World History Galileo - Essay Example World History – Galileo During his work in astronomy, Galileo found many things that supported the view of the Polish astronomer Nicholas Copernicus that the earth was not the center of the universe, but a heavenly body that orbited the sun. This was against the belief that the earth was the center of the universe as put forward by Ptolemy and taken as true by the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church declared the Copernican Theory as false. Thus Galileo’s support for the Copernican Theory was against the doctrines of the Church (3). Galileo did not want to oppose the Church, but some of his writings were against Church held views and his opponents made brought these to the notice of the Church to draw the support of the powerful Church in harming Galileo. It is against this background that Galileo wrote the letter to the Grand Duchess Christina. (4). In this letter Galileo defends his position on the support of the Copernican theory, as it is based on his own observations. His opponents are unable to prove otherwise and have fallen back on the support of philosophy and the sayings in the Bible to prove him wrong. Galileo takes the position that a true interpretation of the Bible would enable the world to understand that there is nothing unacceptable with his views on the Copernican theory. â€Å"I think in the first place that it is very pious to say and prudent to affirm that the holy Bible can never speak untruth-whenever its true meaning is understood†.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Landmark Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Landmark - Case Study Example The difficulty of this issue is illustrated in the aforementioned case where Article 3 of the HRA was invoked. According to Article 3 of the HRA, "[s]o far as possible to do so, primary legislations and secondary legislation should be read and given effect in a way which is compatible with Convention rights" (HRA 1998, Art 3), referring to the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. By virtue of this provision, the conventional manner that statutory interpretation under the act, is therefore challenged, such that instead of giving effect to the intention of the legislators, which enacted particular statutes; statutory interpretation must now proceed in a manner that gives effect to the original intent of those who crafted the HRA provision. This shift away from the conventional procedure, therefore leads judges to stray in the grey area between judicial interpretation and law making, which endangers them of judicial vandalism and usurpation Parliament's will. ... In Ghaidan v Godin-Mendoza [2004], the House of Lords dismissed an appeal by Ahmad Ghaidan to overturn a previous decision of the Court of Appeal; which named Juan Godin-Mendoza as successor to the tenancy of the flat Godin-Mendoza lived in until the death of his partner of the same sex by interpreting the words "as his or her wife or husband" under the Rent Act 1977 to mean "as if they were his wife or husband" by virtue of Art 3 of the HRA (Ghaidan v Godin-Mendoza [2004], para. 51). The decision to dismiss the appeal was arrived at, by virtue of the judges' interpretation of Article 3 of the HRA, which was deemed appropriate in this case, with one dissenting opinion from Lord Millet (para. 102). Based on the given case, Lord Nicholls (para. 4) identified the relevant statutory provisions as paragraphs 2 and 3 of schedule 1 to the Rent Act 1977: 21. The surviving spouse (if any) of the original tenant, if residing in the dwelling-house immediately before the death of the original tenant, shall after the death be the statutory tenant if and so long as he or she occupies the dwelling-house as his or her residence. 22. For the purposes of this paragraph, a person who was living with the original tenant as his or her wife or husband shall be treated as the spouse of the original tenant. 31. Where paragraph 2 above does not apply, but a person who was a member of the original tenant's family was residing with him in the dwelling-house at the time of and for the period of 2 years immediately before his death then, after his death, that person or if there is more than one such person such one of them as may be decided by agreement, or in default of agreement by